Fall 2022 Guide Made Fair
Starting November 10th, an Idaho, Montana, or Wyoming guide/artist will be featured daily. You can click through their post below or from our daily social media to shop directly form their sites.
A portion of all proceeds is donated to The Redside Foundation during the month of the Guide Made Fair.
Many Thanks to all of the guides who participate in this twice-yearly event!
Please scroll down to see past featured Guide/Makers
Hannah Spencer - HBS Artworks
Hannah Spencer migrated west in her late teens and soon became enraptured with the sage-infused desert canyons and the vastness of the seemingly never-ending sky. She saw a simpler way of life. She believes that decades of the western landscape feeding her with its magical powers kindled a personal transformation in her. Now living her childhood dream, she's a self-taught woodblock artist, a fly-fishing guide, and guides for Idaho Rivers Journeys.
Be sure to see more of Hannah’s work on her website www.hbsartworks.com and Instagram @hbs_artworks. You can buy her beautiful woodblock artwork on etsy. Be sure to add the note REDSIDE in your Etsy purchase.
Kelsey Dzintars - Kelsey Dzintars Art + Design
Kelsey is an artist and illustrator based in Bozeman, Montana. She’s been drawing and painting for as long as she can remember. Kelsey loves the process of distilling complex and ethereal ideas into visuals that resonate. She hopes her artwork facilitates emotional connections to treasured landscapes, contributing to the desire to conserve them.
Kelsey is a guide on the Middle Fork of the Salmon River. The river provides a wealth of inspiration for her acrylic paintings, which run the spectrum of literal interpretations of the water and landscape, to more conceptual paintings with themes of wilderness healing and the divine feminine.
You can find Kelsey Dzintars Art + Design at kelseydzintars.com or at the Cello Gallery in downtown Bozeman (@cello_gallery). Be sure to follow her on Instagram at @kelseydzintars
Makayla Fisher - Reclaimed Mind and Design
It all started with an idea to put a piece of wood up across the window for more light space for plants. A river trip led to finding a beautiful root piece worn over time. It still contained rocks that it had clung to in life. A love was born. Makayla finds driftwood, old tree roots, and branches that have become more sublime with time. She marvels how even though they look nothing like they once did, they are still beautiful and worthy- maybe there’s a metaphor there for us humans. Makayla adds river rocks and other found-in-nature stabilizers and creates masterpieces that can be decor/ jewelry holders/ airplant holders/ table centerpieces. It’s really it’s up to the beholder to choose!
Makayla has guided on multiple sections of the Salmon river and is continually in awe of how the river is its own artist. You can find her stunning creations on Instagram @reclaimed.mind.and.design. Be sure to follow Makayla for her artistry and prose.
Bekah Sanders - nocsandchacs
Bekah is based in Lander, WY, and specializes in place-based art. Time spent in the field guiding and instructing is Bekah’s primary source of inspiration. She creates art that encapsulates the brief moments of awe and wonder that we experience from time spent outside.
Bekah’s stickers make great gifts and personal reminders of places like the Wind Rivers, Grand Teton National Park, and Lander, WY.
You can shop nocsandchacs.com or find Bekah’s very cool stickers at NOLS Rocky Mountain in Lander, WY. Make sure to follow her @nocsandchacs on Instagram to see the beautiful places that inspire her art.
Sarah Mallory - Kinshop
Kinshop began with one pocket-sized leather and wood cribbage board that Sarah carried with her through Central and South America when she was meandering abroad in 2019. Since then, Sarah has developed a broader line of leather goods with the hope that each makes it onto a similar journey. Every piece is intended to be used, bruised, and loved for years to come. Sarah loves that she can design and create goods that can be both refined and rugged at the same time, just like so many of us.
Sarah guides multi-day river trips on the Snake and Salmon rivers through the Idaho wilderness. She finds her creative work with Kinshop most fulfilling when she sees her pieces in action, each developing its own patina and personality reflective of its owner's lifestyle. Follow her @kinshopgoods on Instagram. You can buy her stunning pieces at kinshopgoods.com or discover them in local shops in Salmon, ID, North Fork, ID, Lewiston, ID, and Palouse, WA.
Drew Madden - Drew Madden Art
Drew decided to make a batch of stickers to sell at a campground in his hometown of Lotus, CA. To his surprise, the stickers made him enough money to buy a plane ticket to Africa to go kayak the Zambezi river. From there he was hooked.
Drew is a second-generation raft guide. His parents met and fell in love working for ECHO back in the 80s. He now guides for Idaho River Adventures on the Middle Fork of the Salmon. He loves trying to capture the magical moments that a life of boating provides. These moments often incorporate a slower pace of life and separation from cell phones and other devices that are prevalent in our culture.
You can find Drew’s amazing stickers, prints, and sometimes apparel on drewmaddenart.com and in shops all over the West. Be sure to follow his inspirational posts on Instagram @rivers.to.sea
Kelli O'Keefe - FunLuvin' Fleecewear
FunLuvin' Fleecewear is a company devoted to making guide-inspired clothing and gear. Kelli makes fun, functional, and affordable clothing and gear that's perfect for all the adventures It all started with an idea while on a trip to 6 Mile Creek In Alaska in 2017. And now, she is proud to say all of her products are made in the USA at three different factories throughout the West.
Kelli has guided river trips for the past 17 years between running trips on the Middle Fork and Main Salmon Rivers for Canyons River Companyand Arizona Raft Adventures in Grand Canyon. As she continues to grow her business and transition out of working 7 month seasons, she has realized how important it is to find balance. The river continues to fuel her soul and it is on the river where she feels the most inspired.
You can find FunLovin’ Fleecewear at funluvinfleecewear.com or in over 40 different stores across the west, including the NRS Flagship Store, Riverwear, The North Fork Store, The Banks Cafe, Cascade Outfitters, Idaho Mountain Touring, Brundage Ski Area and Downtown Store, Idaho River Sports, Gravity Sports, Mountain Harvest, and McCall Made! Follow the FunLuvin’ adventures @funluvin_fleecewear on Instagram.
Courtney Modaff - River Food Co.
Courtney’s cookbook became an idea the year she became a Middle Fork Guide. The food systems and kitchens, menus, and quality blew her mind. She wanted to collect as many river food recipes as she could find. The 2nd Edition of River Food is now available. This edition includes a full 6-day/5-night menu with a shopping list, photos, an easy pack-to-camp binding style, and more delicious recipes. Courtney’s small-batch spice business was born of a handful of outfitter’s requests. The goals were to increase flavor quality and save guides time. Thus her RIver Rub, Leek & Lemon Dill Dip, and Sumac & Sesame Blend were created. Now, River Food Spices has over 12 small-batch spice blends and 6 custom teas, including a world-class chaga & chai blend.
Courtney started guiding on the Middle Fork and Main Salmon Rivers in 1992. She now guides fly fishing in the Wood River Valley. Part of River Food’s proceeds go to The Redside Foundation in honor of Telly Evans.
You can purchase her cookbook, spice blends, and teas at idahoriverfood.com in many retail and whitewater-related shops around Idaho and Montana, and in the summer, you can find Courtney at the Wood River Farmers Market. Be sure to follow her @idahoriverfood50 on Instagram and idahoriverfood50 on Facebook
Heidi Messner - Heidi Messner Art
10 years ago, Heidi had another ACL replacement and couldn’t ski, so she picked up a brush and cheap canvas and began painting her favorite things- fish, mountains, and rivers. Lucky for us, she truly found her passion! Her motto is: “If we can’t be out adventuring, why not surround ourselves with color and motivation to get back to our favorite places or honor those special moments through memories!” From coffee cups to crib boards, painted ammo cans, propane tanks, and canvases, along with A LOT of other products, Heidi enjoys a challenge and adding as much color as possible to bring simple joy to others. If you have something you want painted, send it her way for a one-of-a-kind item you will cherish for years and years. You can shop heidimessner.com for paintings, stickers, Christmas ornaments, trucker hats, greeting cards, limited edition originals, totes, and more!
Be sure to follow her on Instagram and Facebook to stay up to date with this creative powerhouse.
Alison Styer - Millie Made Shirts
Alison started crafting shirts about four years ago when she had trouble finding the perfect shirt. Snap shirts are a staple of her guide wear. She gave one away, and people started asking, ‘Where did you get that shirt?’ So now, Alison handcrafts shirts that fit you perfectly. Next time you need a shirt with arms the right length, enough width in the shoulders, or perfectly long, be sure to get in touch with Alison!
You can contact her via email to get a custom shirt for you or someone you love. Be sure to follow her Instagram account, @milliemadeshirts.
Ceci and Lynn Richardson - The Chumbi
Ceci is a whitewater photographer, and Lynn spends summers on river patrol. Ceci and Lynn wanted to create pet products that combine the talent and beauty of traditional weaving and the innovation and entrepreneurial skills they've acquired as river people.
They love pets and are grateful they get to create honest, sustainable, and genuine products. Since 2012, Ceci and Lynn have sourced material from their friend Fransisco and his family, who are traditional Indigenous weavers from the mountains of Ecuador. They weave the straps from a blend of synthetic and natural fibers in upright-standing looms. Then each leash and collar is assembled by hand in Boise, Idaho.
You can shop for high-quality collars and leashes for large and small pets at thechumbi.com or on Etsy. Be sure to follow their adventures on Instagram @thechumbi and Facebook, especially if you like cute dog pics.
Mark Martin - Redside Flies
15 years ago, Mark gifted a friend a dozen flies. He tied them on for clients on a Middle Fork fishing trip, and they purportedly flipped a switch from slow fishing to productive. Back in town the next week, he asked Mark for more and offered to pay. Mark loves the aesthetics of well-tied fishing flies, as well as the story arc of an intentionally designed fly that catches fish.
Mark likes being part of that story for folks that buy my flies. You can find Mark guiding fly fishing for trout on the Middle Fork of the Salmon and for steelhead on the Main Salmon.
The best way to buy some of Mark’s magical flies is to direct message him on Instagram @redsideflies.
Sara Campbell - Sturdy Pine Gear & Repair
Sara guided in Idaho and Montana for Wilderness River Outfitters for six years and had some real adventures! The river community is a huge influence on Sturdy Pine. From the multi-use, practical designs, to the color and character of the products, to high-quality materials, these puppies (bags) are made for the river and beyond. Sturdy Pine is built in Salmon, ID, and makes a variety of mesh bags and camp gear that are great for any adventure. Sewing repair services are also provided to guides, outfitters, and the local community. You can pick up an eye-catching and rugged Sturdy Pine piece at sturdypinegear.com or at shops and events close to Salmon, ID. Check website for details.
Drew Hartley - Roony Racks
Drew began making racks for snowmobiles four years ago. He created the first two by hand out of his shop using a 3x6 piece of steel tube. A couple of years later, a fellow guide and good friend, Sam Smith, started getting involved. He knew how to use CAD software and create files Drew could send to local machine shops. So that’s what they did: Sam created the files, Drew sent them off, and Roony Racks was born. All the racks are made in Idaho.
Drew has been a guide for Mackay Wilderness River Trips on the MF Salmon for eight years. He also guides backcountry skiing in the winter for Sun Valley Guides, based out of the Wood River Valley. The guiding community helped push me to follow through with making these racks. Using snow machines while guiding in the winter also pushed him to make a simpler, easier to take off, and more cost-effective rack. Be sure to follow Roony Racks on Instagram @roonyracks. To purchase a Roony Rack, please email Drew: info@roonyracks.com
Olivia Lynch - Beerings
one of Oliva’s fellow guides was drinking a beer with the most insane octopus graphic. She had seen some earrings and rings made from beer cans, and BEERings was born! When not guiding out of Stanley, Idaho, Olivia can be found in Bozeman attending university and crafting very cool earrings. She loves turning what would be recycled or trashed into something beautiful and fancy.
Olivia just finished her first season as an Idaho river guide. The time she has spent on rivers has absolutely influenced the art Olivia creates. She looks for cans with natural scenes from local breweries. Olivia loves that this venture creates wearable art, and it's such a fun way to create community and start a conversation. Follow her on Instagram @beerrings to see all of her offerings and find the perfect pair for you or a friend.
Josh Edmunson - 888 milling and custom woodwork
Josh has always been a woodworker and knew he wanted to do custom woodworking and create an income outside of guiding. He loves to be able to create unique custom pieces that are connected to and from the rivers and mountains and special, wild places we all love.
Josh just wrapped up his 13th year running multi-day trips for Hughes River Expeditions river guiding and 7th with Middle Fork Outfitters as a hunting/pack guide. His guiding experiences heavily influence his work. His specialty is creating custom wood and epoxy pieces that are reminiscent of mountains and rivers. Josh uses unique pieces of wood that have been formed, shaped, and twisted by these rugged places.
To order a custom table, fly-tying station, charcuterie board, cutting board, or any other item you can dream up, please send Josh a direct message through his Instagram account @8.8.8_milling.custom.woodwork.
Sara Sweeney - Natural Currents Creations
Natural Currents Creations was born of Sara’s personal explorations of what she is beyond a guide, what makes her tick, and how she can express her gratitude for the natural world around her. She’s always been artistically inclined and likes to play with many different mediums to keep things interesting.
Sara is an Idaho-based river guide and a hunting camp chef. The natural world influences all of her pieces. The pendants, jewelry, and art she creates during her downtime from guiding flow freely to her by simply being herself and seeing the beauty in the world around her.
You can purchase Natural Currents Creations on the website, www.naturalcurrentscreations.com. Be sure to see the newest offerings on Instagram @natural_currents
Hannah Spencer - HBS Artworks
Hannah creates original woodblock prints along the banks of the Salmon River. Each print is carved, printed, and painted by hand. These nostalgic prints are inspired by the many days spent running rivers, soaring mountain peaks, teaching her children the art of small things and slowing down. During the river seasons, she is a guide for Idaho River Journeys. Be sure to see more of Hannah’s work on her website www.hbsartworks.com and Instagram @hbs_artworks
2022 Spring Guide Made Fair
Ashley makes handcrafted bath bombs, shower steamers, candles, lotion bars and Schitrus spray (a spray before you go & room refreshing spray). All of her self-care products are crafted with essential oils, salts and dried herbs & flowers to help soothe achy muscles and ease the mind. Ashley grew up working for Hughes River Expeditions and has been a guide since 2004. She helps out with the family business when she can during the summer.
Ashley works as a mental health therapist and sells her Bertie Beauty products locally at McCall Made and Huckleberry Gardens in McCall, ID. Reach out to Ashley via Bertie Beauty on Facebook or on Instagram @bertiebeauty to place an order!
Mireille makes earrings and wall hangings from clay and has just started selling hand-embroidered hats! Her designs are mainly focused around plants (mostly fruits and veggies), fly fishing flies, insects, and other sweet critters! She has been loving this new medium and is super stoked to expand to other products soon! Her current "studio" is her car/tent at guide camp-- borrowing occasional oven time from local friends to cure the clay. Mireille is going into her third season as a guide on the Middle Fork of the Flathead River just outside of West Glacier, MT.
To make a purchase, please visit her Etsy site https://www.etsy.com/shop/SeaSaltAndGinger and follow her on Instagram @seasalt.ginger. Folks can also see her beautiful creations at local farmers and craft markets in the Flathead Valley in Montana.
Sara is a 12th-year guide who loves philosophizing, hugging, and deep connectedness with nature. The wild spaces provide unmatched therapy for her, and inspiration for her creations in the winter months. Natural Currents Creations was born of her personal flow through life and the beauty all around (and inside of) each one of us. Sara’s works range across a variety of mediums - from helmet painting (oh yeah), barbed wire/repurposed wood sculptures, watercolor landscapes, glass paintings, and many more. Everything inspires!
Featured here are some of her jewelry pieces - handwoven wires hugging meaningful pieces you can wear with you anywhere.
Be sure to follow Sara on Instagram @natural_currents and reach out to her directly to place an order.
Mike Bachman Photography offers a wide range of fine art, commercial, assignment, editorial, lifestyle, and adventure photographic needs. Based in the mountains of Idaho with the outdoors as his primary canvas, Mike has traveled around the world through many environments to capture striking images that fulfill his clients’ visions. Mike has been an Idaho river and fishing guide for 15 years and currently guides for Middle Fork River Expeditions.
You can find his incredible work at www.mikebachmanphotography.com or on Instagram @mikebachman. Thank you, Mike!
Mealtime in the wilderness is a celebration of the day’s travels and experiences. It is a time to share the journey so far and the anticipation of adventures downstream. River Food nourishes our minds and souls, as well as our bellies. River Food is more than a cookbook; it is the hard work of the guides creating meals that fuse with the magic of the wilderness to give their guests lifelong memories.
Courtney has been guiding, rafting, fishing, and cooking on the rivers of Idaho for the past 23+ years. Courtney has been both cooking and working in restaurants throughout her life. Over the years, she has adapted and perfected many of her own creations to serve her guests and her best recipes are included in her River Food cookbook. To make a cookbook and/or spice blend purchase, please visit her website www.idahoriverfood.com and be sure to follow her on Instagram @idahoriverfood
Kate and Beppe are guides first and business people second and were born entrepreneurs out of wilderness. Their guiding careers have instilled a sense of stewardship in them and they are using business as a tool to revolutionize a more sustainable food system. At Orchestra Provisions they see human health is synonymous and interconnected with environmental health. Orchestra seeks to provide deliciously sustainable solutions to live in balance with the earth that provides us life. When not creating delicious protein powders and seasonings, they are both river guides on the Middle and Main Salmon Rivers.
To make a purchase, please visit www.orchestraprovisions.com and enter code “REDSIDE” at checkout. Also be sure to follow them on Instagram @orchestraprovisions
Sarah is the mastermind and maker behind Kinshop and its creative counterparts. Each piece is made by hand on a foundation of clean and classic forms with refined details. They’re meant to be used and enjoyed for many years to come. Sarah spends her summers as a river guide for OARS on the Salmon and Snake Rivers. Be sure to follow Kinshop on Instagram @kinshopleather and on her website smallorygoods.com
Retrogradery – a line of holistic wellness products plus resources designed to put self-care and nourishments at the forefront of our daily routines. Randee is a creative soul with a passion for living an unconventional life. She tried “adulting” (getting a career, having a salary, a 401K, getting promotions and pay raises), but it just ended up giving her excel spreadsheet nightmares and adrenal fatigue. Finding happiness, adventure, or self-care was challenging in a world that left her dried out and exhausted every Friday evening. She has since gone full-time into her business and works on navigating this crazy food product world while helping and healing others. Randee has worked for Rocky Mountain River Tours for several seasons and has guided on the Stanley day stretch, and has excelled at Warehouse Management.
To make a purchase, please visit www.theretrogradery.com or give her a follow on Instagram @theretrogradery
While on a trip in Alaska, Kelli’s idea to create fun, functional, and affordable clothing to be worn both on and off the river was born. Since then, she has created many fun skirts, shorts, paco pad covers, quilts, and many more! Kelli has guided multi-day river trips for over fifteen years. She now splits her season guiding spring and fall trips for Arizona Raft Adventures in Grand Canyon and summers on the Middle Fork and Main Salmon with Canyons River Company.
Be sure to follow FunLuvin’ Fleece on both Facebook and Instagram. To make a purchase, please visit her website https://www.funluvinfleecewear.com/ and enter the code “REDSIDE” at checkout to receive a 15% discount.
Heidi is an acrylic painter who is always inspired by rivers, mountains, and the adventures outside. Her paintings are of vibrant river and mountain scenes along with colorful trout and other wildlife. She has guided for 10+ years on both the Middle Fork and Main Salmon rivers and continues to make yearly trips with family and friends. To make purchases, please visit her website www.heidimessner.com or follow her on Facebook Custom Fish Art by Heidi and Instagram @hmessnerart
Dory and Seneca, have created The Thalweg to honor the deep connection between humans and the incredible places they inhabit. The Thalweg is a small DIY publication that publishes a collection of creative work, reflecting on wild landscapes and livelihoods. In rural, agricultural, outdoor, and wilderness-based communities, we hope to offer a space for sharing creative work. A space for the voices of guides, fishermen, hunters, sailors, rangers, firefighters, educators, land stewards, farmers, ecologists, environmental scientists, etc. can share the strange and beautiful ways they metabolize wild landscapes. We hope their stories will be shared in the backcountry or while sharing wild places with folks who love each other.
Both Dory and Seneca are seasonal guides on Idaho and Montana rivers.
To get copies of The Thalweg, visit www.TheThalweg.com and follow on Instagram @The_Thalweg
Kelsey is a painter, graphic artist, and tattoo artist. Her artwork is rooted in personal experiences in remote landscapes, reflecting the elusive wilderness in which our inner psyche finds its interconnectedness with the outer world. She's applied her artwork to apparel, skis, maps, driftboats, and more in collaboration with individuals and organizations aligned with river conservation, education, equity, and good [not always clean] fun. Shop for original works, archival prints, greeting cards and stickers at www.kelseydzintars.com. Kelsey is a guide on the Middle Fork of the Salmon River and is based out of Bozeman, MT.
Hide & Hive is a one-woman business that is run anywhere Lara happens to be at the time. From the rivers and mountains of Idaho to the seashores of Washington, Lara prides herself on her ability to set up shop wherever she lands. She mostly creates custom or made-to-order pieces but tries to keep a select few shops and her Etsy stocked when she has excess items. She creates various leather essentials, and her designs are an attempt to transform the icons of western frontier life into modern heirlooms. She fuses conscientious business practices with traditional techniques to create rugged yet modern products that are built to last. Visit her Etsy site https://www.etsy.com/shop/hideandhivedrygoods to see all of Lara’s items and be sure to give her a follow on Instagram @hidehive_drygoods
Lara has been guiding primarily on the Middle Fork of the Salmon River for the past 8 years and has worked in hunting camps in the Frank Church Wilderness for the past 5.
Our first artist of the 2022 Guide’s Made Fair is Jackie Rubino with Tiny House Printing. Jackie makes linoleum block prints, carves, and then prints by hand. All of her designs are based on her life as a guide and a traveler. As an artist, she tries to include as much fun and whimsy in the imagery as possible, while highlighting real experiences- and she almost always sneaks in her two cats! Jackie is going into her second season guiding on the Middle Fork of the Flathead River in Glacier National Park in Montana. Jackie’s items are listed on her Etsy site at https://www.etsy.com/shop/TinyHousePrinting and be sure to follow her on Instagram @tinyhouseprinting
Find the 2021 guide Made Fair Artisians below.
"The Chumbi" in Quichua (an Indigenous language spoken in Ecuador) means "The Strap". She makes dog collars, leashes, water bottle slings, handbags, and belts out of handmade materials sourced directly from Ecuador. Ceci has been a whitewater photographer in Idaho for 20 years. Her business partner and husband Lynn has been a guide on the Middle Fork of the Salmon River and now works the U.S. Forest Service Middle Fork river patrol. "This beautiful body of water -The Salmon River- has determined and shaped our lives. It has provided for us in so many different ways, and has allowed us to follow a path of simple living, rich in the moment, in the fresh smell of the wilderness, in the smile of old friends, and in the reflections of the ever-changing waters of the shining river." Be sure to check out more of Ceci's beautiful items on her website http://thechumbi.com/ and follow her on Facebook.
Cayla finds herself very fortunate to be in the Idaho wilderness each summer, all summer long. The inspiration for her acrylic paintings heavily stems from the wilderness and the eagerness to connect others to the rivers, canyons, and mountains. She creates original paintings, prints, cards, stickers and is currently working on more fun products that will be available in the future. Cayla spends her summers as a river guide for Middle Fork River Expeditions. See more of Cayla’s work on www.caylasanderson.com and follow her on Instagram @caylainthecurrent
Josh specializes in “river table” designs using uniquely sourced wood from local areas in Idaho. Everything from charcuterie boards to dining tables - all of which can be custom engraved. Josh strives to bring that special place in the mountains or the river to your home. When Josh isn’t making beautiful wood pieces he’s a river guide for Hughes River Expeditions and a hunting guide for Middle Fork Outfitters. Be sure to follow Josh on Instagram @8.8.8_milling.custom.woodwork
Sara and Sturdy Pine are based in Salmon, ID, and make a variety of mesh bags that are great for any adventure. Sewing repair services are also provided to guides, outfitters, and the local community. Sara guides for Wilderness River Outfitters in Idaho and Montana. Be sure to follow Sturdy Pine on their website www.sturdypinegear.com and Facebook at Sturdy Pine Gear & Repair
Jackie, the artist behind Tiny House Printing, makes small linoleum block prints based on her life traveling, guiding and hanging out with her two cats - Gus and Biscuits. She works out of her 4x8 camper in whichever guide camp or parking lot she’s living in at the time. Everything that she makes is 100% by hand. When Jackie isn’t making beautiful block prints, she is a guide on the Middle Fork of the Flathead River located outside of Glacier National Park. Follow Tiny House Printing on Instagram @tinyhouseprinting and Etsy www.etsy.com/shop/TinyHousePrinting
Ashley makes handcrafted bath bombs, shower steamers, candles, lotion bars, and Schitrus spray (a spray before you go & room refreshing spray) at Bertie Beauty. All of her self-care products are crafted with essential oils, salts, and dried herbs & flowers to help soothe achy muscles and ease the mind. Ashley grew up working for Hughes River Expeditions and has been a guide since 2004. She splits her summertime between guiding, shuttling, packing trips, and helping maintain the HRE shop in Lolo, MT. In the off-season, she works as a mental health therapist in McCall, ID. Reach out to Ashley via Bertie Beauty on Facebook or on Instagram @bertiebeauty to place an order!
Mireille, founder and artesian behind Sea Salt & Ginger, makes earrings and wall hangings/mobiles out of clay! Every single piece she makes is one of a kind (a pair of earrings might have a sister here and there but no twins!) And she makes lots of tiny fruits and veggies to hang from your lobes because they are just so dang cute! Mireille is a river guide on the Middle Fork of the Flathead River in Montana. Be sure to check out her super cute earrings and mobiles on her Etsy site https://www.etsy.com/shop/SeaSaltAndGinger and follow her on Instagram @seasalt.ginger
Millie creates custom-made shirts at Millie Made to both work and play in. When not making custom shirts, she guides on the Main Salmon and Middle Fork of the Salmon Rivers. If you can’t find a shirt with long enough sleeves or broad enough shoulders, be sure to get in contact with Millie. You can follow her on Instagram @milliemadeshirts
Elli Kiselica, Abby Volkman, Madison Dapcevich, Tennison Lewis, and Caitlin Sutton with Babes in Boats! These ladies have created a female whitewater group and have designed stickers that represent them. They helped raise money for Redside Foundation’s launch in Montana when they first introduced the “Babes in Boats” stickers. A couple of these ladies are guides on the Salmon River in Idaho and the Clark Fork in Montana. All are self-taught kayakers and have been boating around northern Idaho and western Montana throughout the year. Next up - Lochsa! Be sure to follow along on Instagram @babesinboats
Mark is a very talented fly tier and advocate for salmon and steelhead populations. He hand-ties original fly patterns for wild trout and steelhead of the inland and coastal Northwest. Their form and function are convergent - they catch fish and look good doing it! Mark also hosts entertaining and educational virtual fly tying nights during the winter for the Redside Foundation. When Mark isn’t tying flies in the off-season he’s guiding on the Middle Fork of the Salmon. Be sure to follow Mark on Instagram @redsideflies and reach out to him directly to place an order!
Hannah creates original woodblock prints along the banks of the Salmon River at HBS Artworks. Each print is carved, printed, and painted by hand. These nostalgic prints are inspired by the many days spent running rivers, soaring mountain peaks, teaching her children the art of small things, and slowing down. During the river seasons, she is a guide for Idaho River Journeys. Be sure to see more of Hannah’s work on her website www.hbsartworks.com and Instagram @hbs_artworks
Sarah is the mastermind and maker behind Kinshop Leather Goods and its creative counterparts. Each piece is made by hand on a foundation of clean and classic forms with refined details. They’re meant to be used and enjoyed for many years to come. Sarah spends her summers as a river guide for OARS on the Salmon and Snake Rivers. Be sure to follow Kinshop on Instagram @kinshopleather and on her website www.smallorygoods.com
Kelsey is a painter and graphic artist, offering original paintings, archival prints and other products featuring her work - all inspired by her work as a river guide on the Middle Fork of the Salmon. Please see more of her beautiful works on her website www.kelseydzintars.com and be sure to follow her on Instagram @kdzintars_art
Courtney is a river and fly-fishing guide on the Middle Fork of the Salmon and Main Salmon rivers. Courtney owns River Food and brings the deliciousness of river food to all with spice blends and her famous cookbook. Her small-batch spice blends are great to keep or give as gifts. Spice blends include:
-River Rub
-Greek Lemon Herb Sea Salt Blend
-Sumac & Sesame Spice Blend
-Leeky Lemon Dill Dip
-Stir Fry Blend
You can find her delicious spices at www.idahoriverfood.com or on her Instagram @idahoriverfood50.
Sabs is the owner and artist behind bury & plant. They create watercolor and acrylic paintings from different waters and places. These colorful creations are sure to catch your eye! Sabs You can find their amazing paintings at https://artworkbysabs.squarespace.com/. Thank you, Sabs!
Kelli was inspired to start her own clothing company, FunLuvin' Fleeecewear while on a trip to Alaska. She wanted to create fun, functional clothing that's perfect for all adventures. Currently, she makes Fleece Shorts, Fleece Skirts, Hats, Beanies, Sun Hoodies, Coffee Talk Blankets, and most recently Cuddle Buddies (paco pad covers)!
Kelli splits her season between guiding Spring and Fall trips for AZRA In Grand Canyon, and her summers are spent on the Middle Fork and Main Salmon Rivers with Canyons River Company.
You can find her cozy creations at www.funluvinfleecewear.com on Instagram @funluvin_fleecewear.
Mike offers a wide range of fine art, commercial, assignment, editorial, lifestyle, and adventure photographic needs. Based in the mountains of Idaho with the outdoors as his primary canvas, Mike has traveled around the world through many environments to capture striking images that fulfill his clients’ visions. Mike has been an Idaho river and fishing guide for 15 years and currently guides for Middle Fork River Expeditions.
You can find his incredible work at www.mikebachmanphotography.com or on Instagram @mikebachman. Thank you, Mike!
Today’s featured guide entrepreneur/maker is Kate Stoddard. Kate has been a proud Idaho guide on the Middle Fork of the Salmon and Main Salmon rivers for 15 years. In addition to being a mom and a guide, she owns and operates Orchestra Provisions.
She is focused on finding solutions that mend broken food systems, create local food security, and preserve wild spaces.
Kate creates sustainable protein that is delicious and low impact on the planet. Her spice line, made from cricket protein, aims to normalize the practice of entomophagy while providing healthy, protein-rich flavors!
Protein for the planet! Better for you, gentle on the earth.
You can find her delicious creations at www.orchestraprovisions.com.
Please meet Heidi Messner, owner & creator of Heidi Messner Art. Heidi guided on the Middle Fork of the Salmon and Main Salmon rivers. She is a self-taught acrylic artist and enjoys re-creating her outdoor adventures and memories through her work along with others’ visions. She paints vivid mountain and river scenes along with trout and other wildlife on a multitude of surfaces! From small paintings to Christmas ornaments, she also loves painting on metal mailboxes, propane tanks and loves painting murals! Heidi will even paint portraits of your pets.
You can her amazing work ready to purchase or contact her for custom work on her website, www.heidimessner.com. Thank you, Heidi!
Below you will find the participants of the Spring 2021 Guide Made Fair. Please continue to support the makers and craftspeople in the guiding community.
Sara Sweeney - Natural Currents
Sara is both an incredibly talented artist and jewelry maker who finds inspiration through nature's abundant gifts and beauty. Her main craft is hand spun wire-wrapped jewelry. The metal is lovingly wrapped around stones, minerals, shells, or wood to allow the wearer to keep meaningful pieces close by. She creates in a multitude of mediums including ethically harvested tree bark paintings, watercolor postcards, and most recently - helmet painting! Creativity and connectivity are meant to be shared so custom orders are her favorites. During the river season, Sara is a river guide on both the Middle Fork and Selway Rivers.
Instagram: @natural_currents
Heidi Messner - Heidi Messner Art
Heidi is an acrylic painter who is always inspired by rivers, mountains, and the adventures outside. Her paintings are of vibrant river and mountain scenes along with colorful trout and other wildlife. She has guided for 10+ years on both the Middle Fork and Main Salmon rivers and continues to make yearly trips with family and friends.
Website: www.heidimessner.com
Instagram: @hmessnerart
Patrick Condon - MFBA Creations
Patrick with MFPA Creation crafts beautiful art pieces and stickers inspired by the magic he's witnessed while working and living in Idaho. A new project he's working on is a coloring book inspired by outdoor recreation that will be ready in the fall. Patrick has been a guide on Idaho's rivers for the past 25 seasons.
Website: www.etsy.com/shop/MFBA
Instagram: @mfbacreations
Sara Campbell - Sturdy Pine Gear & Repair
Sara created Sturdy Pine Gear & Repair and is based in Salmon, ID. Her company provides bombproof bags and repair services to the guiding community and beyond. From the grocery story to river eddy to mountain top, Sturdy Pine has you covered! Sara guides for Wilderness River Outfitters in Idaho, Montana and Alaska.
Website: www.sturdypinegear.com
Lara Sagatov - Hide & Hive Dry Goods
Lara creates old-world essentials from leather, wax, and wool. Her designs are an attempt to transform the icons of western frontier life into modern functional heirlooms. She fuses conscientious business practices with traditional techniques to create durable, rugged, and sustainable products. When Lara isn't in the shop creating leather masterpieces, she is guiding multiday trips on the Middle Fork of the Salmon River.
Website: etsy.com/shop/hideandhivedrygoods
Instagram: @hidehive_drygoods
Randee Godfrey - The Retrogradery
The Retrogradery offers Supernova Blending Bombs which are blendable smoothie boosts made with whole-food vibrant ingredients, powerful herbs, adaptogens, nootropics and ancient superfoods to help nourish your radiance daily and fuel the most high-vibe life possible. The 4 functional flavors are designed to raise your collective vibration with self-care, nourishment and nutrient-dense boosts. Randee guided on on the day stretch out of Stanley and was a warehouse manager who created menus, prepped and packed food for folks with dietary requests. This time fostered a lot of her creativity with food, especially as a whole-foods plant-based eater during those Stanley summers! You can find her Supernova Blending Bombs on her website www.theretrogradery.com or on her Instagram @theretrogradery
Ceci Richardson - The Chumbi
"The Chumbi" in Quichua (an Indigenous language spoken in Ecuador) means "The Strap". She makes dog collars, leashes, water bottle slings, hand bags and belts out of handmade materials sourced directly from Ecuador. Ceci has been a whitewater photographer in Idaho for 20 years. Her business partner and husband Lynn has been a guide on the Middle Fork of the Salmon River and now works the U.S. Forest Service Middle Fork river patrol. "This beautiful body of water -The Salmon River- has determined and shaped our lives. It has provided for us in so many different ways, and has allowed us to follow a path of simple living, rich in the moment, in the fresh smell of the wilderness, in the smile of old friends, and in the reflections of the ever-changing waters of the shining river."
Website: www.thechumbi.com
Josh Edmunson - III8 Milling and Custom Woodwork
All of Josh’s products are harvested from native wood species found throughout the west. Josh hand selects pieces that are unique and full of character so every charcuterie board, coffee table, etc. can tell their own story and remind you of a certain river bend or mountain ridgeline. He can also make matching epoxy inlays with any names, logos, art or designs. Josh has been a fishing, hunting and multi-day river guide for the past 11 years. Send Josh an email for more info or to place an order fl_1hoops@hotmail.com
Instagram: @8.8.8_milling.custom.woodwork
Mark Martin - Redside Flies
Mark Martin with Redside Flies has hosted many entertaining and informative Tuesday evening fly tie sessions on the Redside Foundation Instagram page. The origin of Redside Flies is traceable back to Mark's childhood in northern Maine. Panfish off the dock, brook trout and landlocked salmon in the rivers, and no fly shop anywhere nearby, Mark started tying flies himself with his dad's instruction and hand-me-down tools, and feather and furs from roadkill as well as grouse and whitetail they harvested. Mark started guiding on and tying his guide flies for the Salmon in 2008, then on the Middle Fork the following summer. After a successful Middle Fork fishing trip with a couple of Mark's flies gifted to friends, he started Redside Flies (named for a favorite Middle Fork rapid). The flies are tied with extensive consideration to fishy details and inspired by thousands of on-water days' worth of observational data - not to mention irrational and instinctive sneaking suspicions. They are barbless on purpose.
Instagram: @redsideflies
Audrey Gehlhausen - Billy Goat Hop Farm
Audrey Gehlhausen and her partner Chris, grow and create hops for craft breweries and home brewers. They started their farm in 2017 in Montrose, CO and spent the first year building a 32-acre farm with an 18' tall trellis made of nearly 2,200 20' poles, 352 iron deadmen, and 57 miles of cable. The farm is now filled with 11 varieties of hops which they sell directly to brewers as wet or fresh hops, whole cone or pellets. Audrey and Chris believe in using sustainable practices and working with other small businesses to help create a brighter and greener tomorrow.
Audrey has guided on the Middle Fork of the Salmon for 13 years where it has truly become her home. She says "From the guides and guests to the water, canyon walls, flowers and birds, there is no better place on earth. I am so lucky and forever indebted to that place."
Website: www.billygoathopfarm.com
Instagram: @billygoathopfarm
Ashley Hughes - Bertie Beauty
Ashley Hughes makes every Bertie Beauty product with love and the best ingredients available. Her handcrafted bath bombs, shower steamers, candles, lotion bars and Schitrus spray (a spray before you go & room refreshing spray) make terrific gifts for yourself or someone else. All of her self-care products are crafted with essential oils, salts and dried herbs & flowers to help soothe achy muscles and ease the mind. Ashley grew up working for Hughes River Expeditions and has been a guide since 2004. She splits her summer time between guiding, shuttling, packing trips and helping maintain the HRE shop in Lolo, MT. In the off-season, she works as a mental health therapist in McCall, ID. For orders, contact Ashley via Facebook or Instagram.
Facebook: facebook.com/bertiebeauty
Instagram: @bertiebeauty
Hailey & Marshall Minder - 3100 Cellars
Hailey and Marshall Minder of 3100 Cellars have a classic "how did you meet" story - Marshall was guiding a Middle Fork trip, Hailey was a guest and the rest is history. Together, they built their winery and vineyard in Garden City and their products showcase their love and appreciation for both Idaho and rivers. The sparkling wine they make is a tribute and thanks to the whitewater that has shaped their lives. Hailey and Marshall have generously offered complimentary shipping during the guide made fair. Please use the code "Idaho4Spawners" to receive complimentary shipping on orders.
Website: www.3100cellars.com
Instagram: @3100cellars
Carson Johnston - Carson Brock Design
Carson is a visual designer, director, and illustrator for design projects ranging in photography, new media, design production and graphic design. Carson grew up in Idaho and has been a Salmon River guide for 8 years. He gathers most of his inspiration from his trips in the Idaho wilderness and his family connection with the guiding community.
Website: www.carsonbrockdesign.com
Facebook: facebook.com/carson.johnston
Cayla Sanderson - Cayla in the Current
Cayla Sanderson is an acrylic artist who loves painting bright, colorful landscape pieces. The inspiration for her paintings come from the beautiful places she works and explores in. Along with original paintings, she sells prints, cards and stickers. Cayla has been a multi-day river guide in Idaho for the past several seasons. Being surrounded by the incredible wilderness and people is what draws her back each year.
Website: www.caylasanderson.com
Instagram: @caylainthecurrent
Kate Stoddard - Orchestra Provisions
Kate Stoddard is a scientist focused on finding solutions that mend broken food systems, create local food security, and preserve wild spaces. She does all this by advocating for and educating people on the topic of entomophagy - the practice of eating insects! Kate is the founder of Orchestra Provisions, a specialty food company with a seasoning line made from cricket protein. The aim of Orchestra Provisions is to normalize the practice of entomophagy while providing healthy, protein-rich flavors! Kate has been a Middle Fork of the Salmon River guide for 14 years for Middle Fork River Expeditions.
Website: www.orchestraprovisions.com
Instagram: @orchestraprovisions
Kelli O’Keefe - FunLuvin’ Fleecewear
Kelli splits her season guiding spring and fall trips in Grand Canyon for Arizona Raft Adventures and summers are spent on the Middle Fork and Main Salmon for Canyon's River Company. She loves guiding and being able to share the magic of the river with the amazing passengers all season long. When she isn't on the river, she is in the world of fleece. Four years ago she started her own clothing company where she makes fun and functional clothing and gear for all kind of outdoor adventures. Kelli is based in McCall, ID.
Website: www.funluvinfleecewear.com
Instagram: @funluvin_fleecewear
Dory & Seneca - The Thalweg
Dory and Seneca have created The Thalweg to honor the deep connection between humans and the incredible places they inhabit. The Thalweg is a small DIY publication that publishes a collection of creative work reflecting of wild places. The contributors who make up our first issue are guides, beekeepers, poets, fishermen, photographers, boatmen, caretakers, carpenters, illustrators, climbers, academics, and trail crew. They share a passion for the places they live, work and play. We are honored to share their work. We hope their stories will be shared in the backcountry or while sharing wild places with folks who love each other.
Website: www.thethalweg.com
Instagram: @the_thalweg
Kelsey Dzintars - Kelsey Dzintars Art + Design
Kelsey is an extremely talented fine art painter and illustrator from the Black Hills of South Dakota. She earned her BFA at Montana State University in 2009 and has called SW Montana home ever since. When Kelsey isn't painting, she is a river guide on the Middle Fork of the Salmon River for Boundary Expeditions. She says her work on the Middle Fork and other personal trips have played a major influence in her artwork.
Website: www.kelseydzintars.com
Instagram: @kdzintars_art
Hannah Barron Spencer - HBS Artworks
Hannah is a self-taught woodblock artist and fly-fishing guide. Her favorite medium is woodblock and each woodblock is inspired from days guiding or from the deep connection we all share with our wild landscapes. Hannah lives off-grid on the banks of the Salmon River with her husband and 6 year-old twins. Check out Hannah's beautiful pieces here!
Website: www.etsy.com/shop/HBSArtworks
Instagram: @hbs_artworks
Sarah Mallory - Kinshop Leather Goods
Sarah is the mastermind and maker behind Kinshop Leather Goods and its other creative counterparts. Each piece is made by hand and built on a foundation of clean and classic forms with refined details. Sarah spends her summers as a river guide for OARS Dories on the Salmon and Snake Rivers.
She is a firm believer that sleeping should be spent under the stars, friends look best when dressed in sparkles, and that rubber boats were made for perfecting ones' backflip.
Website www.smallorygoods.com
Instagram @kinshopleather
Below are the Idaho Guide artists and makers who participated perviously.
2020 Featured Guide Artists
Kelsey Dzintars Art + Design
Kelsey is a fine art painter and illustrator from the Black Hills of South Dakota. She earned her BFA at Montana State University in 2009 and has called SW Montana “home” ever since. Based on personal soul-invigorating experiences in the Northern Rockies, her acrylic paintings reflect the elusive space between dream and reality in which our inner psyche finds its interconnectedness with the outer world.
Kelsey has been a guide for Boundary Expeditions on the Middle Fork of the Salmon River since 2017. Summers on the Middle Fork and personal trips on other wild and scenic rivers have played a major influence in her artwork in recent years.
Website: www.kelseydzintars.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/kelseydzintarsart
Instagram: @kdzintars_art
Sara Campbell - Sturdy Pine Gear & Repair
Sturdy Pine Gear & Repair was created by Sara Campbell and is located in Salmon, ID. Her company provides bombproof bags and repair services to the guiding community and beyond. During the river season, Sara is a guide for Wilderness River Outfitters.
Website: www.sturdypinegear.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/sturdypinegear
Audrey Gehlhausen - Billy Goat Hop Farm
Along with her partner Chris, they grow and create hops for craft breweries and homebrewers. They started their farm in 2017 in Montrose, CO, and spent the first year building a 32-acre farm with an 18' tall trellis made of nearly 2,200 20' poles, 352 iron deadmen, and 57 miles of cable. The farm is now filled with 11 varieties of hops which they sell directly to brewers as wet or fresh hops, whole cone, or pellets. They do every aspect of the farm - planting, weeding, irrigation, stringing, harvesting, pelletizing, packaging, shipping, and marketing. Audrey and Chris believe in using sustainable practices and working with other small businesses to help create a brighter and greener tomorrow.
Audrey has guided on the Middle Fork of the Salmon for 13 years where it has truly become her home. She says "From the guides and guests to the water, canyon walls, flowers, and birds, there is no better place on earth. I am so lucky and forever indebted to that place."
Website: www.billygoathopfarm.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/billygoathopfarm
Instagram: www.instagram.com/billygoathopfarm
Jessica Cortright - Idaho Botanicals
Jess spends the majority of her life out in the elements, which is tough on her skin. Her fascination with the medicinal qualities of plants led her to learn more about them, including how and when to harvest, and the best way to extract the desired properties. Her skincare products are 100% natural and utilize the best ingredients available. Jess has been a guide in Idaho since 1994. You'll generally find Jess on the river or on the trail, with a big smile on her face, laughing, and most of the time, up to some form of mischief.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/idahobotanical
Lara Sagatov - Hide & Hive Dry Goods
Lara creates old-world essentials from leather, wax, and wool. Her designs are an attempt to transform the icons of western frontier life into modern functional heirlooms. She fuses conscientious business practices with traditional techniques to create durable, rugged, and sustainable products. When Lara isn't in the shop creating leather masterpieces, she is guiding multiday trips on the river.
Email: larasagadesign@gmail.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/hidehive_drygoods
Hannah Barron Spencer - HBS Artworks
Hannah is a self-taught woodblock artist and fly-fishing guide. Her favorite medium is woodblock and each woodblock is inspired from days guiding or from the deep connection we all share with our wild landscapes. Hannah lives off-grid on the banks of the Salmon River with her husband and 6-year-old twins.
Website: www.hbsartworks.com
Kate Stoddard - Orchestra Provisions
Kate Stoddard is a scientist focused on finding solutions that mend broken food systems, create local food security, and preserve wild spaces. She does all this by advocating for and educating people on the topic of entomophagy - the practice of eating insects! Kate is the founder of Orchestra Provisions, a specialty food company with a seasoning line made from cricket protein. The aim of Orchestra Provisions is to normalize the practice of entomophagy while providing healthy, protein-rich flavors! Kate has been a Middle Fork of the Salmon River guide for 14 years for Middle Fork River Expeditions.
Website: www.orchestraprovisions.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/0rchestraprovisions
Instagram: www.instagram.com/orchestraprovisions
Josh Edmunson - III8 Milling And Custom Woodwork
Josh has been an Idaho fishing, hunting, and multi-day river guide for the past 11 years. In the off-season, he is building an off-grid home along with working on his latest wood creations. Both his house and business have all been built from locally harvested wood and milled on site. All furniture and wood products have been hand-selected and milled in a way to remind the buyer of the mountains and rivers they came from.
Email: fl_1hoops@hotmail.com
Kelli O’Keefe - FunLuvin’ Fleecewear
Kelli splits her season guiding spring and fall trips in Grand Canyon for Arizona Raft Adventures and summers are spent on the Middle Fork and Main Salmon for Canyon's River Company. She loves guiding and being able to share the magic of the river with the amazing passengers all season long. When she isn't on the river, she is in the world of fleece. Four years ago she started her own clothing company where she makes fun and functional clothing and gear for all kinds of outdoor adventures. Kelli is based in McCall, ID.
Website: www.funluvinfleecewear.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/funluvin-fleecewear
Instagram: www.instagram.com/funluvin_fleecewear
Jessica Cortright - River Stone Knobs
In addition to Idaho Botanical products, Jessica has created another business - River Stone Knobs. The creation of River Stone Knobs was born from a love of river tumbled rocks and a kitchen renovation project. Jess's hand-polished river stone handles bring nature into our homes. Jess has been an Idaho guide since 1994.
Ashley Hughes - Bertie Beauty
Ashley handcrafts bath bombs and self-care products with organic ingredients and a whole lotta love! Her bath bombs are crafted with essential oils, salts, and dried herbs and flowers to help soothe achy muscles and ease the mind. Ashley grew up working with Hughes River Expeditions and has been a guide since 2004. She splits her time between guiding, shuttling, packing trips, and helping maintain the HRE shop in Lolo, MT. When she isn't guiding during the summer months, she works as a mental health therapist in McCall, ID.
Instagram: www.instagram.com/bertiebeauty/
Cayla Sanderson - Cayla In The Current
Cayla is an acrylic artist who loves painting bright, colorful landscape pieces. The inspiration for her paintings comes from the beautiful places she works and explores. Along with original paintings, she sells prints, cards, and stickers. Cayla has been a multi-day river guide in Idaho for the past several seasons. Being surrounded by the incredible wilderness and people is what draws her back each year
Website: www.caylasanderson.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/caylainthecurrent/
Mark Martin - Redside Flies
Mark designs and ties flies for trout and steelhead species of the Inland and Pacific Northwest including central Idaho. He's been a fly-fisherman for over 24 years but has been a fly tier for longer. Mark is a fly-fishing guide on the Middle Fork of the Salmon River and occasionally guides on the Main Salmon as well. He feels so fortunate to have found these rivers along with a river family.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/redsideflies/
Instagram: www.instagram.com/redsideflies/
Jenni Rich - Jenni Rich Art
Jenni was born and raised in Idaho and learned to make art and jewelry at a young age from her father, who is an artist and avid outdoorsman. Her creations are inspired by the elements since that's where she spends a majority of her time when she isn't in the home studio. Hammered brass, copper, and silver along with gemstones dominate her jewelry designs that you can wear adventuring yet adding a touch of rustic elegance. Jenni has always had an attachment to local waters and had the privilege of working for Hughes River Expeditions as the "warehouse gal" for 5 years.
Website: www.jennirichart.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/jenniritch_art/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100011619780818
Sarah Mallory - Kinshop
Kinshop leather goods are a collection of items that are functional in their use and so good looking too! Each piece is made with care and intention, built on a foundation of clean and classic forms with refined details. Pieces are meant to be used in one's every day with the hope that each scrape, drop, layer of dirt, and splash of coffee only adds to the patina of the item. Sarah spends her summers as a river guide for OARS Dories on the Salmon and Snake Rivers and occasionally a Grand Canyon trip! She is a firm believer that nights sleeping should be spent under the stars, friends look best when dressed in sparkles, and that rubber boats were made for perfecting ones' backflip.
Website: smallorygoods.com/
Instagram: www.instagram.com/kinshopleather/
Photo: Josh Edmundson