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Backcountry First Aid for Horses

In conjunction with Mystic Saddle Ranch and Shane Baird, DVM, we are hosting a FREE clinic for guides and outfitters to better educate guides on how to handle stock-related emergencies when a vet or extensive veterinary supplies are unavailable. Shane will share how to create a backcountry horse first aid kit and use it for various issues that may occur while guiding, such as eye injuries, colic (from mild to severe), and lacerations – how to repair, clean and bandage. Each participant will leave with a workbook.

Shane Baird, DVM is an Idaho native who operates a mobile vet clinic in Golden, CO. He has a passion for teaching and sharing hands-on experience. Before becoming a DVM, he packed with The Flying B and guided on the Middle Fork of the Salmon and Main Salmon rivers. Currently, he rides as vet support with various organizations throughout the Rocky Mountains. You can learn more about Shane and his practice here or here.

Spaces are limited to 50 participants. Please RSVP with the number of attendees by May 10th.

May 29

Lochsa Madness!

August 28

Salmon Fest